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MotoGP to GSR in 2017

Mon 02 Jan 2017, 00:37

*Thread moved to Community Events per Admin request*

There has been discussion on the idea of attempting to create motorcycle sim racing within GSR lately. The consensus was that a community poll should be taken in order to record the amount of interest we have within GSR's current members. Are you a Motorcycle Grand Prix racing fan, or perhaps someone who enjoys racing in general and is looking to try something new? Well, with the vast array of games such as: Valentino Rossi The Game, Ride 1&2, MXGP2, and the upcoming games of the new year, we can cover most aspects of the motorcycle racing world.

So simply, if you have any interest in MotoGP or want to try your luck at two wheels, just drop a comment and leave some feedback!

Mon 02 Jan 2017, 00:38
MrMarko1100 - "I'd be open to trying that out. "
Mon 02 Jan 2017, 00:39
dakinca91 - "I'm a Motogp fan, but not sure I would be that active in a series."
Mon 02 Jan 2017, 01:27
I know I'll sort of sound like a jackass here, and I typically hate this sort of flawed logic...

If you host a few races/meets on here and there is a following, I would likely buy the game then.
Thu 05 Jan 2017, 14:27
I've got ride2 and mxgp2 so I'm good to go on them.
Thu 05 Jan 2017, 17:25
I'm a big MotoGP fan as well but never been a fan of the games too is the newish Rossi game?
Sat 21 Jan 2017, 01:55
Sorry getting back to you two weeks later, but the new Rossi game is done exceptionally well in my opinion.
Wed 17 May 2017, 23:22
Off topic but Colton you hear the news about Hayden? Sad and scary. Hope he's ok.