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Drafting Championship: Season 3

Thu 16 May 2013, 21:18

All discussions related to the Drafting Championship go here!

This series will be run using Forza 4 on the Xbox 360.

Tue 18 Feb 2014, 14:08

x2fas4joox hope you can make it. Any questions just ask. Drafting is always great fun I'm looking forward to this.
Thu 20 Feb 2014, 18:19
Im so tempted to go and buy Forza 4 just so I can compete in this series....
Thu 20 Feb 2014, 19:28
I would if the game wasn't $28 still.
Fri 21 Feb 2014, 00:16
Yeah I can't join an existing team (wagon or don either of you want a teammate?)
I think its still setup on last season's setup when we didn't have teams.
Fri 21 Feb 2014, 00:49
Apologies for the issues, all should be fixed now, as long as you sign up from the Series page you should now be able to join an existing team!

Edit: If anyone has had to make their own team but wanted to join another team just let me know and I'll move you over!
Fri 21 Feb 2014, 04:47
Anyone want to team up with me?
Fri 21 Feb 2014, 17:52
We can be Mtn Dew racing. Send me your paint and I will just change it to regular dew.
Sun 23 Feb 2014, 00:30
Bl0nde, I'll team with you if you want.
Sun 23 Feb 2014, 02:10
Sun 23 Feb 2014, 09:02
Shit, I'm such an idiot. I told Speedy a couple of days ago that I would team up with him. I guess I forgot about that in a moment of pure stupidity.
Sun 23 Feb 2014, 16:39
If you two want to team up I am ok with that as I will be coming in after a 50 mile bike ride will be pressed to make it.
Mon 24 Feb 2014, 21:25
Can someone tell me how much Forza 4 is if you buy it on the 360 instead of in a store?
Tue 25 Feb 2014, 03:19
I'll have a look later tonight.
Tue 25 Feb 2014, 03:46
Wagon said he couldn't find it.
Tue 25 Feb 2014, 03:55
Yeah well Wagon is probably quite out of it after partying all night and day in the wake of Earnhardt's victory. lol
Tue 25 Feb 2014, 04:43
Hell I was up til 2 or 3 this morning lol. I'm about to hook up my box to see if it is there or not.
Tue 25 Feb 2014, 10:44
I just went on the 360 and I can't seem to find the full game for purchase. I guess it was never released as a DL game?
Tue 25 Feb 2014, 22:50
Just want to remind everyone that Season 3 of the Drafting Championship beings this Saturday! This high speed oval series has never been short on excitement, and this season promises to be not different! Pick a teammate and sign up today!
Tue 25 Feb 2014, 23:23
I'm either getting Forza 4 tonight or tomorrow. Anyone need a teammate?
Tue 25 Feb 2014, 23:27
I believe BCKracer is in need of one.